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Certificates and Documents

Work with professionals who use advanced technological tools to optimise the time spent on these procedures.

We put our entire range of network of technical specialists at your disposal to carry out the necessary procedures for your property with speed, professionalism and dedication. We use advanced technological tools that optimise the time and costs spent on these procedures.

Ask us for an non-binding quote.

Accesibilidad edificios

Accessibility analysis

Development and recommendation of the necessary actions to make the property interiors and the common features of the existing buildings accessible. The process takes the functional needs of the users into account, along with the adjustments allowed by current regulations.

cedula de habitabilidad

Certificate of habitability

This is an administrative document that certifies that a dwelling meets the minimum habitability conditions specified by current legislation. It authorises the use of the dwelling for personal accommodation, without prejudice to any other authorised activities.
cee vivienda

Home energy efficiency certificate

Official document that includes objective information on the energy characteristics of a building. This certification qualifies a property based on the annual energy consumption necessary to satisfy energy demands under normal conditions of occupation and operation.
ceee edificio

Building energy efficiency certificate

This is a basic procedure for obtaining energy performance certification for existing and new buildings. Through an identifying label, each building is assigned an efficiency class that ranges from A, for the most efficient, to G, for the least efficient.

Learn more about the energy efficiency certificate

The energy performance certificate, also known as an energy certificate, is a document that includes information on the energy efficiency of a building, whether a dwelling or a workplace, detailing both the power consumption and the CO2emissions of the property in average conditions of comfort.

The energy qualification of a property is given as a letter that can range from “A” to “G”, from more efficient to less efficient. In addition to this rating, our technicians, with their expert vision, will include suggestions for improvements to obtain higher building energy efficiency and greater savings.

Why do you need the energy efficiency certificate?

From a legal point of view, it is mandatory to have an energy performance certificate for all properties that you wish to put up for sale or rent. Failure to comply with these regulations, as laid down in Spanish Royal Decree 235/2013 of 5 April 2013, may entail penalties ranging from €600 to €6,000, which will be imposed on both the owners and the real estate companies that sell them.

Why choose us to obtain your energy efficiency certificate?

Obtaining your energy efficiency certificate is very simple. At SENSEDI, we have the technology and technical equipment you need to get your energy certificate, maximising savings on time and money.

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This document allows you to comply with current regulations while at the same time guaranteeing the effective conservation of the building, its accessibility and its degree of energy efficiency.

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